Bringing civilizations together at the capital city of civilizations

The Sabancı Museum of Sabancı University have been serving art-lovers for 14 years, and exhibiting modern art in a venue adorned with a precious collection of Turkish calligraphy and paintings. The museum is located in a building Sakıp Sabancı –a Turkish businessman respected by the international business circles– lived for some timed, and hosts international exhibits each year. Since day one, the museum hosted 37 international exhibits and is virtually the center of modern art in Istanbul. BEGAN WITH A COLLECTION The story of Sabancı Museum within the framework of Sabancı University begins with a modest collection of art. When the collection of precious works of calligraphy and paintings Turkish businessman Sakıp Sabancı collected over the years no more fits to the confines of "Atlı Köşk" he called home in Emirgan, Sabancı consults with his trusted counsels, and likes the idea of setting up a museum. In this vein, he donates the collection to Sabancı University. The family then leaves the house they resided for years, to let it become a venue of global art. HOME OF MANY FIRSTS Each year Sakıp Sabancı Museum hosts a multitude of exhibitions and trainings on various themes. Some of the events held at the museum are actually firsts of their kind in Turkey. The 'Picasso at Istanbul' exhibition the museum hosted in 2006 was the first time a western painter's collection was brought to Turkey, and presented 135 works by the famous painter to art lovers. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS The museum provides a meeting grounds for contemporary modern art and Istanbulites, hosted two international exhibitions last year. A rich collection of the ground-breaking 20th Century artist Joan Miró’s drawings, paintings, sculptures and ceramics on the themes of women, birds, and stars was offered to art lovers. Furthermore, certain works of the artist based on various techniques and some of his personal belongings were exhibited for the first time at Sakıp Sabancı Museum of Turkey. The dynamic and innovative spirit of ZERO, the largest international network of arts of the 20th Century, formed after the Second World War, was also presented to visitors with the exhibition "ZERO. Countdown for the Future". EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN Sakıp Sabancı Museum also serves as an important center of education, and attaches great importance to educational activities for the children. The museum embraced the mission of introducing arts to the children and helping them acquire its taste. It offers education to children in the 4-17 age group, as well as to adults. Each year, tens of movie screenings, panels and conferences are organized at the museum, with a view to increasing awareness about art. EXHIBITIONS WORLDWIDE The permanent collections of the museum receive worldwide attention. The painting and calligraphy collections of the museum have, to date, been exhibited at Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Museum in Madrid, and the National Museum of Bahrain, and were enjoyed by art lovers in numerous countries.

09 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

ICOC: The gateway to global commerce

Through the operations of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, one of the largest cities of the whole world ensures global integration of the firms operating there. The fifth largest chamber of commerce of the whole world, and the largest chamber of commerce of Europe, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce issues each year millions of commercial documents required by local and foreign merchants. REGISTRATION SERVICES FOR 380 THOUSAND FIRMS ICOC Commerce Registry, which provides registration services regarding the documents and operations of the firms operating in Istanbul, issues the documents required by 380 thousand firms. 50 PERCENT FROM ICOC ICOC Commercial Certification Coordinator issues approximately 50 percent of all foreign trade documents issued by 360 chambers and exchanges all over Turkey. Each year Istanbul Chamber of Commerce issues approximately 1,475 thousand foreign trade circulation certificates and certificates of origin. Furthermore, 1,150 thousand foreign trade circulation certificates and certificates of origin are also approved by the chamber. GOVERNMENT ACTING ON THE DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY ICOC Government agencies act on the basis of certifications, reports, and documents issued by ICOC, regarding numerous commercial procedures. ICOC issues Certificate of Operation, Trade Registry Gazette, chamber registration ID, NACE code revision registration, insurance agency registration, heavy-duty vehicle registration and many others, and is able to offer French, English or German language versions of Certificate of Operation, in addition to Turkish. NACE CODE SERVICE The Chamber Registration Services Unit applies the revision process regarding NACE code, which is often called six-digit operation code, denoting the field of operation of the firms. The firms can get six codes: one primary code and five additional codes. CONSULTANCY FOR INVESTORS Through the Investment Consulting Center, ICOC is able to communicate firm establishment procedures to foreign investors. The center provides facilitated access for direct foreign investors to information and services, and provides grounds to effect firm establishment and registration procedures with speed. The investors are also provided information about the investment subsidies offered by the government.

09 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

Turkish bridge to the African continent

According to World Bank data for 2014, 10 out of the 20 fastest growing economies are in Africa. The continent has a total population approaching to 1 billion, and is the next big thing for Turkish firms. Turkish firms invested in numerous fields in Africa, and now boast a total direct foreign investment figure of USD 6 billion. Turkey's total volume of trade with Africa, on the other hand, reached USD 25 billion. PROJECT OPPORTUNITIES Turkey's plan for reaching out to Africa dates back to 1998. The economic ties between Turkey and African countries were reinforced through the Strategy to Reinforce Commercial and Economic Ties with Africa adopted in 2003, Declaration of 2005 as the Year of Africa in Turkey, and naming of Turkey as a strategic partner of the African Union in 2008. Furthermore, Turkey became a member of the African Development Bank and African Development Fund in 2008, enabling Turkish firms to take part in all projects in Africa. SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST IN TURKEY Turkish businessmen are the objects of substantial interest in Africa. The horrible memories of the colonial era feeds Africans' suspicions about investors from many countries, while Turkish capital and goods are welcomed with trust and open arms. Thanks to such trust, Turkey increased its volume of trade with African continent by an annual average of 15.6 percent in the period 2003-2014. DIRECT FLIGHTS AVAILABLE Having expanded commercial ties with African countries, Turkey is also expanding its network of flights to Africa. Today, Turkish Airlines fly to more than 40 destinations in 30 African countries. 1,076 PROJECTS WORTH 54 BILLION DOLLARS Turkish firms engage in many major infrastructure investments in Africa. In 2003, the total value of 35 projects undertaken in Africa was just 643 million Dollars. This figure grew to 50 construction projects worth 3 billion Dollars in 2013. The total value of the 1,076 projects Turkish investors undertook in Africa to date reached to 54 billion Dollars. This figure corresponds to 21 percent of Turkey's global trade volume. COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF MEDICINE Turkey has bilateral cooperation agreements in the field of medicine, with approximately 20 African countries. In this context, Turco-Sudanese Research and Training Hospital with 150 beds, built in Sudan-Darfur-Nyala was recently opened as one of the most modern and well equipped hospitals of the region.

09 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

Last great economy: IRAN

Following the deal with five permenent members of UN Security Council and Germany, Iran, one of the largest markets of the Middle East, is bracing for the world to realize its huge potential as a market. Deemed the last great economy where large scale investors do not yet have entrenched positions, Iran will see foreign investments and exports double once the sanctions are removed. Ranked among the top 5 countries Iran engages in foreign trade with, Turkey will be among the most important gateways to this market. 10 PERCENT SHARE The Preferential Trade Agreement signed with Iran in January 2015 increased the foreign trade volume between Turkey and Iran by 30 percent, and will duly assume the role of an important gateway to the huge opportunity Iranian market presents for foreign investors. Iran's foreign trade volume is expected to hit TRY 250 billion through the leap by opening up to global investors. Turkey, one of the most important foreign trade partners of Iran, is set to get a 10 percent share of this cake. DEPENDENCE ON OIL IS TO FALL Iran has 10.6 percent of all oil reserves of the world. It ranks third in the list of countries with significant oil reserves. This huge market had hitherto based its foreign trade on oil, and is now trying to reduce the dependence of its economy on this limited resource. That is why it is currently focusing on petrochemicals industry and planning for the implementation of 44 billion Dollars worth of petrochemical investments in 64 projects to produce an annual capacity of 50 million tons, within the framework of the 5th Development Plan. MINING HEAVEN Iran is virtually a mining heaven, and its potential reserves are in excess of 57 billion tons. Investments in this sector are subsidized by the government. Furthermore, Iran is expected to increase its direct-reduced steel production from the current level of 16 million tons to 56 million tons by 2025, with a bid to ranking top worldwide.It is often pronounced that investments up to 500 million US Dollars are probable within the next five years, for the development of new sources of steel. HOMELAND OF NATURAL GAS According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy, Iran ranks top worldwide, with its natural gas reserves of 33.8 trillion cubic meters. The natural gas sector of the country is considered the sector to breath some sort of stability into the volatility of oil revenues. That is why the country invests in liquefied natural gas production for exports. Many natural gas fields of the country are developed through foreign investments, with a view to furthering the country's position regarding this goal. Iran, an important natural gas supplier, has Turkey as a major partner in natural gas exports. Since 2002, Turkey engages in transfer operations for a total of 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas from Iran, through 25 years. Furthermore, Iran intends to export natural gas to Austria through Turkey and Bulgaria, within the framework of the Nabucco project. SPEAKING TURKISH, ACCEPTING TRY Having maintained its trade ties with Iran through the sanctions imposed by the West, Turkey is now in a position to serve as a model for the West in terms of venturing into the Iranian market. For Turkish is the language spoken by 27 percent of this hugely attractive market, and according to the Central Bank of Iran, Turkish Lira is one of the most widely accepted currencies in Iran. GATEWAY TO NORTHERN AFRICA Iran has the second largest natural gas reserves of the world, and is the second largest economy in the Middle East and North Africa, ranking just behind Saudi Arabia. 30 PERCENT INCREASE THANKS TO THE PREFERENTIAL TRADE AGREEMENT One of the most important advantages Turkey enjoys in terms of its trade with Iran is the Preferential Trade Agreement which entered into force in January 2015. The agreement reduced the import duties for approximately 120 products Turkey exports to Iran, by rates ranging from 30 to 40 percent. This translates into a 30 percent increase over the export figures for the comparable period of the previous year. Total exports to Iran rose to USD 1.9 billion. This marked the largest growth in exports among the first halves of the last five years.

09 Mart 2016 Çarşamba

Turkey left its mark on MIPCOM

Turkish TV shows made a strong impression at MIPCOM 2015-International Market of Communications Programmes, an event bringing together representatives of the movie industry from all around the world. Turkey was the guest of honor at the event held in Cannes, France on 5-8 October, 2015, and made an impression with the TV shows exported to many countries around the globe. From day one on, Turkey became the first stop of visitors and participants with the 106 square meters booth and the 300 square meters "Turkey: Home of Content" tent at the event. The streets of Cannes also displayed banners about Turkish TV shows and Turkish culture. A SUCCESS STORY Recently, the TV industry of Turkey underwent a significant transformation to serve as a model for the whole world. The industry's export figures grew from less than 10 thousand Dollars in 2004, to 300 million Dollars by 2014. Having become a country to export TV shows to a wide geography, from the Middle East to Central Asia, North Africa to Eastern Europe, Turkey registered its success at a new zenith, as the "Guest of Honor" at MIPCOM. 400 MILLION VIEWERS Turkish TV sector is recognized for the quality of its productions and content, and each year its products are enjoyed by more than 400 million viewers worldwide. Turkish dramas break all rating records in the countries they are shown, and stand as the proof of the sector's success. Having become a significant producer of visual culture, Turkey ranked 15th in this context with an export volume of 300 million Dollars in 2014, according to World Trade Organization figures. Turkey's target for 2023 is 1 billion Dollars. 4,500 buyers, 14,000 visitors and more than 2,000 participants from all over the globe took part at MIPCOM, where the industry representatives from all parts of the world had the chance to get to know Turkish TV industry better. Each week 50 episodes are shot for Turkish TV series, marking a significant achievement in terms of quality of production, and speed of implementation. In this context, Turkish TV industry registered the fastest growth after China. 411 PARTICIPANTS The most important event of the TV sector worldwide, this year's MIPCOM saw a record level of participation from Turkey. The event where Turkish series contents were introduced to buyers also provided a venue for 411 Turkish TV sector representatives meet buyers from other parts of the world, against a background adorned with various cultural activities. COST PER MINUTE: 4,500 DOLLARS The products of the TV sector are offered at record-breaking prices around the world. Thanks to the increase in quality and brand-recognition, products command prices approaching 4,500 dollars per minute in a market where Turkish products are enjoyed by 50 percent of the globe. The Middle East and the Balkans are the traditional markets for Turkish TV series. However recently the sector made inroads to Latin America and Scandinavia as well. The distribution firms are also trying their hands in huge markets such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India, and China. 20 PERCENT GROWTH IN EXPORTS Particularly the last decade saw substantially increased pace in Turkish TV sector. Exports grew 4.54 percent worldwide, while Turkish exports achieved a growth rate of 20 percent.

09 Mart 2016 Çarşamba