Democracy and Martyrs’ rally in Istanbul

The Democracy and Martyrs’ Rally began at the Yenikapı Meeting Area in Istanbul. Attending the Democracy and Martyrs’ Rally, held under the auspices of the Presidency, are President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Grand National Assebly Speaker İsmail Kahraman, Leader of AK Party and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım, Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, CHP Leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu and MHP Leader Devlet Bahçeli. Millions of citizens have arrived at the meeting area by various means of transportation since the early hours of the day to join the rally, organized with the support of the Governorship and Metropolitan Municipality of Istanbul. The rally, which the citizens attended with Turkish flags at their hands, is expected to be the largest rally in the history of Turkey.

31 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

The phone call that ended the coup

The coup attempt facing the Republic of Turkey on July 15 resulted in failure because the Turkish citizens took to the streets to resist the coup. A story of “democracy telephone” lies behind the Turkish people’s taking to the streets reluctant to transfer its own will to any power. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan reached a private television channel through a video call on the night of the coup attempt and made the following call: “Protect democracy.” Thousands of people who poured into the streets with the President’s phone call played a key role in thwarting the failed coup. Today, people make record price offers from all over the world for the “democracy phone” used by the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to address the public. İbrahim Çağlar, President of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, also said they would like to acquire the democracy phone and exhibit it at the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Museum as a symbol of the Turkish people’s protection of democracy.

31 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

Business world demonstrates full unity for democracy

Representing 400,000 Istanbul-based companies, members of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, took to the squares after convening with an extraordinary agenda to say “We are here to stand against those attempting to encroach upon the national will.” Presidents of the 365 chambers and stock markets operating in 81 cities under the Turkish Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges (TOBB), the nationwide umbrella organization for the Turkish business world, released a joint statement simultaneously in response to the coup attempt against Turkey’s unity and democracy. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ICOC) also presented the “Joint Press Statement” to the public opinion under the TOBB’s umbrella in response to the coup attempt against Turkey’s unity and democracy on the night of July 15, 2016. "DEMOCRACY IS INDISPENSABLE, NATIONAL WILL IS OUR STRENGTH AND BROTHERHOOD IS OUR FUTURE" As Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Executive Board; We make this joint statement simultaneously in 81 cities under TOBB, the private sector’s representative, and as 365 Chambers/Exchanges. Our nation and our national institutions thwarted a nefarious attack which threatened our democracy on the night of July 15. Our people protected their individually cast votes and democracy. Our Union, as well as the relevant Chambers/Exchanges, showed a clear reaction on the night when the news of a coup attempt first emerged. This nefarious riot failed thanks to the Turkish nation’s united stance, determination, and the strong will to protect democracy. Everyone should take great joy in the fact that our country’s all institutions, political parties, civil society, and media outlets embraced democracy. A unity, togetherness, and decisive stance against the enemies of democracy was demonstrated by political parties as well as politicians from government and opposition alike, and it deserves the greatest credit. We are conveying our heartfelt congratulations to primarily Mr. President, Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Prime Minister and all the political parties in the Assembly for their clear stance against the junta enthusiasts. We are proud of our Assembly, which resisted the attacks of the lunatics very steadfastly, reminding us of its “veteran” title. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone, primarily our law enforcement officers and honorable members of the Turkish Armed Forces, which showed a clear resistance to this coup attempt. We are grateful to them. However, we pride ourselves mostly on our nation’s determination and courage as they heroically resisted the coup plotters. We do not want a coup which neither takes the power from the polls, nor any authority from the nation. Nor do we see an option other than democracy for our country. We expect this terrorist gang within the army to be fully exposed and brought to justice. May God rest our heroic martyrs who lost their lives. We send our condolences to their esteemed families and we wish a speedy recovery for the injured. Our nation will always remember them gratefully and with compassion. We thank God that we stopped this evilness and disorder thanks to our nation's common sense, foresight, and courage. We came out of this evil by strengthening our democracy, unity, and solidarity. We all should appreciate the value of this broad consensus in society on democracy. We now need to be much stronger, embrace each other more and love each other more. It is the element that makes us who we are, holds us together and makes us a nation. We will not fall into the trap of those who want to drag our country into chaos. We say, as the business world, that it is time to work and produce more and generate more employment. As in the past, TOBB and 365 chambers/exchanges will continue to be on the side of our democracy, our nation, and our state – today and tomorrow. We will also stand up to those who are against our country’s unity, our brotherhood, and democracy. As the private sector, we will work for our country and our nation with greater determination and take Turkey to bigger targets. We will always keep in mind Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s words "Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation" and continue to work and produce for our country. As long as we stand shoulder to shoulder without dismissing the value of our unity and solidarity... As long as we love, believe and trust each other... We, at this moment, emphasize once more that we will not recognize any will other than that of the people, we will not give up on democracy and accept any coup attempts infringing on democracy. Our existence depends on our state and country. Our existence depends on democracy. May God never let our country and nation go through such pain again. Respectfully announced to the public. ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE EXECUTIVE BOARD

31 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

Foreign players have full confidence in Turkey

‘Will continue to invest’ Shell: The fact that the coup attempt was averted strengthened our confidence in Turkey’s future. We have taken new investment decisions with a long term vision. ‘No slow-down’ Coca Cola: We have full confidence in the Republic of Turkey and its economy. We will continue with our investment plans in Turkey with no slow-down. ‘Full confidence’ Vodafone: We have been in Turkey for 10 years. We remain committed and have full confidence in the Turkish market. ‘Proud to be adding value’ Unilever: We will continue our investments in Turkey full steam. We are proud to be adding value to the national economy and the country overall and are determined to continue as such. ‘We remain committed’ Procter&Gamble (P&G): Operational in Turkey for the past 30 years, P&G remains committed to continue connecting with the Turkish consumers through its strong brands. ‘We believe in peace’ PepsiCo: Turkey is an important market for PepsiCo where we have 5 plants and more than 3000 direct employees. We will continue our sustainable growth in Turkey full speed. ‘We have faith in the economy’ Allianz: We believe in the strength of Turkish economy and the great selfless people of the country. We will continue to work to enhance the quality of life of the nation and stand with our customers through all stages of their lives. ‘It is our duty’ Unit International: It is our most important duty that we continue to work and generate more for our country. ‘We are fully committed’ General Electric: We are fully committed with our investments in Turkey’s various industries including aviation, logistics, energy, healthcare, network solutions and innovation. ‘Same as before’ Boeing: We are proud of our partners and partnerships in R&D, technology and academic cooperation. We will continue with our existing growth plans in Turkey, same as before, with no changes.

31 Ağustos 2016 Çarşamba

Unique commerce strategy for Istanbul

In 2016, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce will be implementing two major endeavors for Istanbul. The first one is about the giant projects of Istanbul, while the second one is embodied in the Commerce Strategy for Istanbul, to expand the commercial potential of the city as well as the wider Marmara Region. Istanbul Chamber of Commerce continues to develop projects as a well-organized institution to preserve both commercial and historical heritage of Istanbul. The project for the 'Commerce Strategy of Istanbul' focus not only on Istanbul, but also on the wider Marmara Region, which directly enjoys the added value provided by the city. The Commerce Strategy aims to ensure Istanbul's growth through an innovative economy with a high volume of added value, the development of an awareness of a fair, sharing, inclusive and learning society, and the provision of enjoyable, sustainable and authentic urban spaces. FOUR OBJECTIVES The Commerce Strategy of Istanbul has four major objectives: Commerce Center: Plans are proposed for the establishment of a Commerce Center to host wholesalers of various industries, at a location close to the third airport being constructed in Istanbul. The search for suitable locations on the Black Sea coast of Istanbul is still in progress. Due to the project's nature to foster inclusion of the Marmara Region will provide it further essence, in the form of commerce centers to be developed in accordance with the current characteristics of the neighboring provinces. Logistics Centers: Plans are in place for the development of Logistics Centers to reveal the geographical advantage of Marmara Region, and to render it a hub of global cargo movements. Suitable locations on both the European and the Asian side of the city will be surveyed. Center of Science, Technology, Culture and Innovation: Plans are proposed for the establishment of a Center of Science, Technology, Culture and Innovation to serve high added-value industries (communications and information technologies, energy, design, brand-creation and retail, medicine, space and defense technologies) to provide substantial added value to Turkish economy, on the current site of Atatürk Airport. Plans are in place for the inclusion of Technopark Istanbul in this project. Education, Health and Tourism: Plans are proposed to accelerate the growth of the services sector in Istanbul and the wider Marmara Region, with special emphasis on Education, Health and Tourism. DECISION-SUPPORT CENTER ICOC's project on 'Investment Decision Support System' to help investment decisions of local and foreign investors, with a view to rendering Istanbul a center of attraction for investments, will be developed to contain the elements of the 'Investment Database', 'Istanbul's Map of Brands', and 'Istanbul's Consumption Demand Map'. The Investment Database will lead to the preparation of an interactive map to provide information (in Turkish and English) on the fundamental indicators, economic capacities and commercial structure of both 81 provinces of Turkey, and 39 districts of Istanbul. WISE BUSINESSMEN TO COME TO ISTANBUL ITOTAM will enhance its arbitration services through a results-oriented perspective. In this context, plans are in place for the preparation of ITOTAM's Arbitration Rules, and the provision of arbitration services by ITOTAM. An element that makes arbitration stand out and fast will be the inclusion of the 'wise businessmen' capable of evaluating the cases of the parties through the experience gained over many years, in the arbitration committees, to accompany experts of law. MODEL OF ISTANBUL The Model of Istanbul, which received the grand prize in Stevie International Business Awards, will now be exhibited on an area of 685 m2. The first stage of the model covering 96 m2, depicting the historical peninsula, will be expanded through the addition of new sections. The Model of Istanbul will, this time, be exhibited on a larger space at MIPIM, alongside London and Paris, which hitherto been the leading destinations covered in the event. This event will be followed by Cityscape, yet another important real estate event worldwide to be held in September in Dubai, for the promotion of Istanbul to important investors from the Gulf region and beyond. ISTANBUL SHOPPING FEST This year will see the fifth Istanbul Shopping Fest (ISF), which will be promoted more aggressively through events abroad as well, in a bid to reach out to larger audiences. In this context, Istanbul will be divided into 3 major areas of shopping, and tours will be organized to bring foreign visitors to each such area. Plans are made to establish a quick tax-free shopping support desk for the visitors. Furthermore, free shuttle services, helicopter tours, or a new plane ticket are considered as promotion options based on shopping figures, with a view to encouraging the visitors to return. GLOBAL ECONOMY EXPECTATIONS FROM 2016 FED’s interest rate adjustments and commodity prices will be at the center of attention. India is another rising star, alongside China. In light of the results of the expansionary fiscal policies of the EU, and the high performance of the US, according to World Bank figures global economy is forecasted to grow 3.3 percent in 2016. The growth trend in the US economy will continue. 2016 will be a year to establish equilibrium anew, in the aftermath of exchange rate fluctuations in 2015. As was the case with 2015, 2016 will also see falling prices of oil reducing price pressures in oil importing countries, as well as helping with the burden on the fiscal policies. Structural reforms to increase productivity will be musts for permanent solutions the global economy seeks. 4 PROJECTS FROM ICOC IDTM: The new project entails not only trade show centers, but also extensions serving tourism and social functions. Sirkeci Complex: The ground for the project to wholly transform the historical peninsula will be broken in 2016. Information Commercialization Center: Bright ideas will be materialized at this center. Technopark Istanbul: The second stage for the most advanced technology center of the region is in the making. TECHNICAL TEXTILES EXCHANGE The Turkish Supply Industries Exchange, which will celebrate its 25th year in 2016, will add textiles to the list of sectors it serves. Int his context, efforts are in place for the establishment of an exchange in the field of 'Technical Textiles'. REPRESENTATION AT IWEC MANAGEMENT 2015 saw the ninth International Women’s Entrepreneurial Challenge held with ICOC as the host for the event. From now on, ICOC will be represented at the management of IWEC, alongside the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, Women Organization of India's Federation of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. EXPANDING ROUND TABLE The number of the round table meetings, which had to date been held in Belgium, Italy and Indonesia, is growing. In this context, the following countries are expected to host round table meetings in 2016: Scotland, Malta, Greece, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. HOST FOR THE CLUB OF CHAMBERS ICOC will, for the second time now, serve as the host for the European Club of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry. The most important item on the agenda of the meeting will be the proposal regarding the development of a 'Shared Platform of the Chambers of Commerce of the Metropolitan Centers of Europe'. The meeting will see that the by-laws of the platform are finalized. NEW SERVICE CENTER The chamber will open up a new service center, in addition to the current centers operating at the Headquarters of ICO, Istanbul World Trade Center, Kadıköy, and Sabiha Gökçen Service Units, offering commercial certification services. The Halkalı Customs Directorate, serving since 1983, will be moved to Çatalca. When its operations begin, the new center will serve as ICOC's Commercial Certification Service Office within the customs zone to be opened there. FROM THE PRESIDENT The global economy ended year 2015 in search for "A New Equilibrium" in the light of oil prices in freefall, crisis in the Middle East, and the changing policies of the Federal Reserve. Turkey, on the other hand, remained on solid footing on track for 2016, with a robust growth rate of 3.4% against such a background of uncertainty, the return to political stability, and the substantial reform policies it is drawing up. 2015, a year that was crowned with Turkish presidency of G20, showed that the world is in search of a "New Equilibrium", which will also bring its own set of transformations. New markets, new sources of finance, new leaps of growth are on the top of the agenda of not only Turkey, but also all countries, developed or developing. Rumi, the great thinker put it most elegantly: "Bygones are bygones, my dearest. Now is the time to talk about new things." We are well aware that both Turkish business world and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce will have many new things to talk about, new investments to make, and new markets to venture into in 2016... I wish 2016 would see 'commerce, the language of prosperity and peace' become the talk of the town all around the globe. Respectfully yours,

10 Mart 2016 Perşembe