
Welfare message for globalization

Giriş: 08.03.2016 - 23:00
Güncelleme: 17.12.2024 - 22:35


In 2015, Turkey assumed the Rotating Presidency of G20, a club of leading developed countries of the world. Last year's G20 agenda was set by Turkey, with reference to inclusiveness, implementation, and investments, turning a new page towards new horizons. Turkey, with a will to secure support for the presence of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in the global markets, emphasized the fact that this would contribute to welfare all around the world.

2015 was also the scene of a meeting of ministers of energy of G20 countries, representing a first of its kind. Sensitivities and proposed solutions regarding the access to energy, a global concern, was discussed under the leadership of Turkey. In the meeting held on 1-2 October, 2015, the ministers of energy reached an agreement on 'Inclusive Cooperation on Energy'.

Ministers of agriculture, on the other hand, met for the first time since 2011. Another first for the agenda of G20 was wasted and lost food in developed and developing countries.

The G20 Summit in Antalya was held on 15-16 November, as the climax of events held throughout the year, on the development of countries and enhancing global welfare. The efforts of Turkish rotating presidency also led to the inclusion of an extension group titled 'Women-20' (W20) to the framework of the summit of global leaders.


The summit in Antalya culminated in the declaration by G20 Leaders. The declaration emphasized the need for concrete steps for development, employment of women and youth, and supporting entrepreneurs. The declaration also underlined the need for more active efforts against the severing of finances of terror. The call to the ministers and Central Bank Chairmen of G20 countries asked them to report the steps taken to identify the weaknesses which enabled the support for terror, by the first meeting in 2016.


G20 was also the scene of discussions on the refugee crisis the Western Europe had also faced due to the Syrian Civil War in particular. The summit saw a declaration by G20 extension groups, about the refugee crisis. The G20 extension groups representing the business world (B20), civil society (C20), workers and labor unions (L20), academic world (T20), women (W20), and youth (Y20), stated their deep concerns about the refugee crisis. The declaration stated "We believe in the need for a more robust collective action on this issue."

The extension groups called the leaders of the states to support the development programs in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Turkey which host the majority of Syrian refugees.


The leaders who attended the G20 summit held in Antalya, Turkey reached a resolve on a strong declaration on the fight against terror. The statement draw attention to terrorist attacks at Paris and Ankara, and noted that "These are an unacceptable affront to all humanity. The spread of terrorist organizations and significant rise globally in acts of terrorism directly undermine the maintenance of international peace and security and endangers our ongoing efforts to strengthen the global economy and ensure sustainable growth and development."


Turkey put the theme 'inclusiveness' to the center stage during its rotating presidency of G20. The need to extend robust, sustainable and balanced global growth to all countries was underlined.

Turkish presidency of G20 noted "Low-Income Developing Countries are substantial sources of current and future supply and demand" and added "the integration of LIDC with global economy as the path to prosperity should be encouraged, not only as a moral obligation, but also for the sake of sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy. Focusing on the applicability of the work of G20 on developing countries is crucial in terms of global development efforts within the framework of Sustainable Development Agenda 2030."