
Planning is a must for development

Giriş: 09.03.2016 - 23:00
Güncelleme: 17.12.2024 - 22:35

Smart Economic Planning and Industrial Policy, SEPIP 2015 took place in an event hosted by Istanbul Commerce University. The conference was organized by Istanbul Commerce University, Center for Industrial Policy and Development, and brought together well-known economists of the world. Participants include Prof. Ha Joon Chang from Cambridge University, Prof. Sandrine Labory from Ferrara University, and Prof. Franco Mosconi from Parma University.


The only scientific conference to be held on industrial policies in a decade, SEPIP discussed models on how underdeveloped or developing countries can achieve the break they seek. One of the major themes discussed was the failure of the complete liberalization of the markets after 1980s, with the exception of fields such as infrastructure, eliminating government interventions, in terms of the inability to generate permanent growth and development at emerging economies, and the role of liberalization in the crises.


Another issue discussed at SEPIP 2015 was the fact that planning was still intact worldwide, despite the neo-liberal policies in place. Particular emphasis was placed on the 13th five-year development plan China has put in place for the period 2016-2020. SEPIP also led to a consensus that special policies should be developed and implemented for the growth of manufacturing industry in emerging economies.


At SEPIP, Prof. Ha Joon Chang from Cambridge University made a presentation on İbn-i Haldun, as the founder of the science of economics. In his presentation, Prof. Change underlined, with reference to İbn-i Haldun, the need to focus on the policies the developed world implemented in previous periods, rather than paying exclusive attention to what standard text-books tell us.